Staging Your Home For Sale 101

Staging a home for sale is an important part of the selling process. It involves preparing your home to appeal to potential buyers, making it look its best, and helping buyers envision themselves living there. Here are some smart ways to stage a home for sale:

Declutter and Depersonalize:

Remove personal photos, religious items, and highly specific decor that might alienate potential buyers.
Declutter by removing excess furniture, knick-knacks, and items from countertops, shelves, and closets. Less clutter makes rooms appear larger.
Deep Clean:

Give your home a thorough cleaning, including carpets, windows, and all surfaces.
Pay attention to details like grout lines, faucets, and baseboards.
Neutralize Colors:

Paint walls in neutral, light, and universally appealing colors. Neutral colors make it easier for buyers to visualize their own furniture and decor.
Maximize Natural Light:

Open curtains and blinds to let in as much natural light as possible.
Replace dim or outdated light fixtures with brighter, more modern options.
Curb Appeal:

First impressions matter. Ensure your home’s exterior is well-maintained, with a clean driveway, trimmed bushes, and a freshly painted front door.
Add some potted plants or flowers to the entryway.
Furniture Arrangement:

Arrange furniture to create a sense of flow and space. Consider a professional stager’s help if necessary.
Use furniture that fits the scale of the room; too-large pieces can make rooms feel cramped.

Highlight Key Features:

Showcase the home’s best features, such as a fireplace, hardwood floors, or a beautiful view. Arrange furniture to draw attention to these features.

Create Defined Spaces:

If you have an extra room that’s currently a storage space or multipurpose area, stage it as a functional room like a home office or guest bedroom.

Accessorize Tastefully:

Add tasteful and contemporary accessories like throw pillows, artwork, and area rugs.

Use complementary colors and textures to make rooms feel inviting.
Remove Odors:

Address any pet, cooking, or musty odors by cleaning, using air fresheners, or even baking cookies before showings.

Maintain Temperature and Comfort:

Keep the home at a comfortable temperature during showings.
Make sure the home is well-ventilated to avoid any stuffy or unpleasant smells.

Clear the Garage:

Many buyers are interested in the garage. Ensure it’s clean, organized, and that cars can fit comfortably.

Professional Photography:

Hire a professional photographer to capture high-quality images of your staged home. These photos are often the first impression buyers get online.

Virtual Staging:

Consider virtual staging if you have an empty property or need to update the decor virtually. It can be a cost-effective way to make an empty space look appealing.

Open House Preparation:

If you’re hosting an open house, have fresh flowers, refreshments, and information packets about the home available for potential buyers.
Remember that the goal of staging is to make your home feel welcoming, spacious, and well-maintained. It should help potential buyers see the full potential of the space and encourage them to imagine themselves living there.


Putting it all together

When it’s all said and done, as your realtor, one of my many jobs on your behalf is to oversee all aspects of your staging, as needed, to prepare your home to fetch top dollar. That means having my finger on the pulse of exactly what the market is demanding from one season and one year to the next so you can breathe easy. 

If you’re considering putting your home on the market in the near future, let’s have a chat and discuss how I can make the entire process as rewarding and easy for your family as possible.